Sample Introduction Kits
Elemental Scientific has a range of Sample Introduction Kits for specialty ICPMS and ICP applications. From direct analysis of ultra-pure chemicals to nanoparticles and single cells, our integrated kits provide a high-performance turnkey solution to fit your ICP/ICPMS.

High-purity, High-stability, HF-resistant
- O-ring-free system
- Ultra-low detection limits
- Excellent short-term and long-term stability
- Novel spray chamber design that improves matrix tolerance while maintaining ultralow backgrounds for all elements
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Ultra-pure & HF-resistant Systems
- All wetted surfaces are PFA and sapphire or platinum
- Used by a majority of semiconductor labs worldwide for the analysis of semiconductor-grade chemicals and other high purity chemicals
- Ideal for geochemical/metallurgical applications or anywhere HF-resistant sample introduction systems are required
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Complete Solution for Single Cell Applications
- Ideal for single cell analysis on the microFAST SC
- Each kit includes CytoNeb, CytoSpray Chamber, One-peice Torch, Nebulizer Gas Line, Make-up Gas Line, Drain Line, Sampling Lines, Peripump Tubing, and Peripump Fittings
- Designed for Single Cell Applications, Nanoparticle Applications and High-Transport Efficiency Applications
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