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Agriculture & Food

EdibleOil ICP – Heated Autosampler & Heated Sample Introduction

EdibleOil ICP Heated Autosampler

EdibleOil ICP Heated Autosampler

EdibleOil ICP heats the entire sample flow path to melt samples and automate elemental analysis of liquid, semiliquid, and solid edible oil samples.

EdibleOil ICP Features Diagram

Features Diagram for EdibleOil ICP Automation System

Completely Heated Automation System

EdibleOil ICP is a completely automated sampling system for the analysis of edible oils which may be either solid or liquid at room temperature. The system combines a DXCi autocorrecting autosampler with a heated sample deck and a fully heated sample pathway to assure a reliable sample flow. This design ensures accurate and repeatable analysis over extended operation for a wide range of sample types.

DXCi autocorrecting autosampler:

  • Automatically goes to the correct sample position, even if accidentally obstructed
  • Reports obstruction to the instrument software
  • Enhances productivity with high-speed operation

EdibleOil ICP heated system:

  • Heated sample deck reduces time spent preparing samples
  • Minimizes sample dilution for better detection limits
  • Viscosity reduction through heat allows for single method for all sample types
  • Solid samples remain liquid through analysis and out to waste
  • Greatly reduces analysis time

Spiked Palm Stearin Stability Over 10 Hours

Spiked Palm Stearin Stability Over 9 Hours

7 ppm Spiked Palm Stearin Recovery

7 PPM Spiked Palm Stearin Recovery

Calibration of Analytes

Calibrations were automatically performed at 0, 2.5, 5 and 10 ppm in mineral oil.

Analyte - Cu

Analyte - Fe

Analyte - Ni

Analyte - P

Product Brochure

EdibleOil ICP Brochure

EdibleOil ICP Video

EdibleOil ICP In Action

Contact us for information on EdibleOil ICP Automation Systems!

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