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Elemental Scientific - Innovative Leaders in Semiconductor Online Monitoring, Laboratory Automation, Laser Ablation, Glassware & Nebulization

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pergo – Analysis of High Matrix Samples using Argon Gas Dilution with the Thermo Scientific iCAP Q ICP-MS

ID: 311
Category: application-notes
ESI System: pergo
Application: Argon Gas Dilution, AGD, High Matrix Samples, Seawater
In AGD-ICP-MS analyses, the argon (Ar) gas flow through the nebulizer is reduced while the total Ar gas flow to the plasma is maintained by the addition of a make-up Ar gas flow to the aerosol leaving the spray chamber. The sample aerosol is therefore diluted with Ar gas inside the ICP-MS sample introduction system. A pergo Argon Nebulizer Gas Humidifier from Elemental Scientific is used to humidify an additional argon gas supply added to the sample aerosol.

DispensingStation: User-specified Volume Dilution of Acid Digestion Samples

ID: 306
Category: application-notes
ESI System: DispensingStation
Application: Agriculture & Food, Batteries & Renewable Energy, Environmental
The DispensingStation is a user-friendly and approachable automation system equipped with a touchscreen controller and an ultrasonic sensor designed for precise laboratory sample preparation. This innovative system streamlines and automates processes such as sample dilution, offering customizable methods to suit your needs. By simplifying these tasks, the DispensingStation enhances the accuracy of results while saving labs significant time and money. To demonstrate the capabilities of the DispensingStation, experiments were designed based on acid digestion. Acid digestion is commonly used for analyzing solidstate samples like soil and metals. However, the resulting matrix often requires dilution for ICPMS analysis due to its high solid fraction. The heated digestion process yields varying initial volumes, posing challenges for maintaining consistent final volumes during dilution. The DispensingStation solves this problem by using an ultrasonic sensor which provides precise filling of v

Analysis of Semiconductor IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol) for Trace Organic Contaminants from HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) Leachates via prepFAST CARBON

ID: 312
Category: application-notes
Application: Semiconductor
Organic contaminants in solvents affect semiconductor yields. prepFAST CARBON offers a solution to this. Semiconductor grade IPA conforms to the SEMI specifications focused on quantifying trace metals (low ppt), anions (low ppb), and assay (>99.9%). The specifications do not include trace organics, of which contamination levels can vary based upon the manufacturing process and the storage material used. The organic fingerprint of semiconductor grade IPA can differ between manufacturers, which impacts wafer processing.

Automated Standard Addition for the Analysis of Battery Cathode Materials

ID: 303
Category: application-notes
ESI System: prepFAST MX; Xceleri
Application: Batteries & Renewable Energy, Earth Sciences, Mining & Materials
Digested cathode powders were analyzed with the prepFAST MX+ connected to an Avio 500. This setup, powered by Xceleri software, allows for an automated standard addition method that provides more accurate results, less sample preparation, and reduced acid waste.

microFAST SingleCell with Agilent ICPMS – Elemental Analysis in Yeast Cells and Selenium Enriched Yeast Cells by ICP-MS with Automated Micro-Flow Sample Introduction

ID: 305
Category: application-notes
ESI System: microfast SingleCell
Application: Nanoparticle
Nanoparticle and single cell elemental analysis by ICP-MS has become popular in recent years due technological advancements in ICP-MS, as well as increasing needs for many other advancing fields of applications (1). In the current study, an automated, micro-flow autosampler in combination with an Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) is used in the elemental analysis of nanoparticles and yeast cells. The sample introduction system is designed to deliver intact single cells or cell clusters to the plasma, while the ICP-MS offers high sensitivity for elemental determination within the cell or cell cluster. The preliminary results from this current study can potentially be applied to other applications, offering an easy and efficient way for high-throughput sample analysis.

prepFAST CARBON – An Automated Laboratory System for Low PPT Detection of High Molecular Weight Organic Contaminants in Semiconductor Grade Chemicals

ID: 313
Category: application-notes
Application: Semiconductor
prepFAST CARBON combines the high sensitivity of electrospray ionization (ESI) and accurate mass determination of time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS) with advanced automation to enable the real time detection of trace organics in semiconductor olvents, acids, and bases with parts per trillion (ppt) detection limits. prepFAST CARBON provides superior speed of analysis and improved detection limits over traditional methods of chromatographic separation.

Synthetic Clinical Matrix Solution for ICPMS (CLIN-0500)

ID: 264
Category: application-notes
ESI System: prepfast
Application: Clinical
CLIN-0500 ICPMS matrix-matching solution improves detection limits up to 20x or more for important elements such as Mn, Se, and Pb while also improving accuracy. Methods were validated by analyzing proficiency testing samples from NYDOH and CTQ programs.

EdibleOil ICP Brochure

ID: 309
Category: brochures
ESI System: EdibleOil ICP
Application: Agriculture & Food
Heated & Fully Automated Sample Introduction System for Metals Analysis

microFAST SingleCell – Complete Solution for Single Particle and Single Cell ICPMS Applications - Agilent ICPMS

ID: 314
Category: brochures
ESI System: microFAST SingleCell
Application: Clinical & Life Sciences; Nanoparticles
The ability to introduce single cells into an ICPMS and measure the elemental content in each cell, or tagged to each cell, accurately takes a dedicated, well-designed sample introduction system. Having this ability allows for investigators to better understand how much of a specific nanoparticle, metallodrug, or metal-based compound enters the cell. These cells or nanoparticles will vary in size from a few nm’s up to a few 100 μm’s. The typical cell types of interest will vary and with that the stability of the cell-line also varies, such that a gentle, controlled nebulization must be employed in order to not disrupt or lyse the cell.

microFAST SingleCell – Complete Solution for Single Particle and Single Cell ICPMS Applications - NexION ICPMS

ID: 315
Category: brochures
ESI System: microFAST SingleCell
Application: Clinical & Life Sciences; Nanoparticles
The ability to introduce single cells into an ICPMS and measure the elemental content in each cell, or tagged to each cell, accurately takes a dedicated, well-designed sample introduction system. Having this ability allows for investigators to better understand how much of a specific nanoparticle, metallodrug, or metal-based compound enters the cell. These cells or nanoparticles will vary in size from a few nm’s up to a few 100 μm’s. The typical cell types of interest will vary and with that the stability of the cell-line also varies, such that a gentle, controlled nebulization must be employed in order to not disrupt or lyse the cell.

microFAST SingleCell – Complete Solution for Single Particle and Single Cell ICPMS Applications - Thermo ICPMS

ID: 316
Category: brochures
ESI System: microFAST SingleCell
Application: Clinical & Life Sciences; Nanoparticles
The ability to introduce single cells into an ICPMS and measure the elemental content in each cell, or tagged to each cell, accurately takes a dedicated, well-designed sample introduction system. Having this ability allows for investigators to better understand how much of a specific nanoparticle, metallodrug, or metal-based compound enters the cell. These cells or nanoparticles will vary in size from a few nm’s up to a few 100 μm’s. The typical cell types of interest will vary and with that the stability of the cell-line also varies, such that a gentle, controlled nebulization must be employed in order to not disrupt or lyse the cell.

ANALAB CleanAcids Features Diagram

ID: 266
Category: diagrams
ESI System: ANALAB Sample Preparation
Application: Agriculture & Food, Batteries & Renewable Energy, Clinical & Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental, Mining & Materials, Oceanography, Semiconductor Laboratory

ANALAB CleanClever Features Diagram

ID: 267
Category: diagrams
ESI System: ANALAB Sample Preparation
Application: Agriculture & Food, Batteries & Renewable Energy, Clinical & Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental, Mining & Materials, Oceanography, Semiconductor Laboratory

ANALAB EvapoClean Features Diagram

ID: 268
Category: diagrams
ESI System: ANALAB Sample Preparation
Application: Agriculture & Food, Batteries & Renewable Energy, Clinical & Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental, Mining & Materials, Oceanography, Semiconductor Laboratory

ANALAB FluoroBloc Features Diagram

ID: 269
Category: diagrams
ESI System: ANALAB Sample Preparation
Application: Agriculture & Food, Batteries & Renewable Energy, Clinical & Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental, Mining & Materials, Oceanography, Semiconductor Laboratory

ANALAB Fluoroplate Features Diagram

ID: 270
Category: diagrams
ESI System: ANALAB Sample Preparation
Application: Agriculture & Food, Batteries & Renewable Energy, Clinical & Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental, Mining & Materials, Oceanography, Semiconductor Laboratory

ANALAB Regulator Control Features Diagram

ID: 265
Category: diagrams
ESI System: ANALAB Sample Preparation
Application: Agriculture & Food, Batteries & Renewable Energy, Clinical & Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental, Mining & Materials, Oceanography, Semiconductor Laboratory

DX Series Autosamplers Features Diagram

ID: 296
Category: diagrams
ESI System: Autosamplers for ICP/ICPMS
Application: Agriculture & Food, Clinical & Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental, Mining & Materials, Pharmaceutical

EdibleOil ICP Features Diagram

ID: 271
Category: diagrams
ESI System: EdibleOil ICP
Application: Agriculture & Food

FNX Fluoronetic Autosampler Features Diagram

ID: 273
Category: diagrams
ESI System: Autosamplers
Application: Agriculture & Food, Clinical & Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental, Mining & Materials, Pharmaceutical

FNXS Enclosed Ultraclean Fluoronetic Autosampler Features Diagram

ID: 272
Category: diagrams
ESI System: Autosamplers
Application: Agriculture & Food, Clinical & Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental, Mining & Materials, Pharmaceutical

hydrideICP Features Diagram

ID: 274
Category: diagrams
ESI System: Hydride Generation Systems
Application: Agriculture & Food, Clinical & Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental, Mining & Materials, Pharmaceutical

microFAST Isotope Features Diagram

ID: 275
Category: diagrams
ESI System: Microsampling Systems
Application: Earth Sciences, Mining & Materials

microFAST SingleCell Features Diagram

ID: 276
Category: diagrams
ESI System: Microsampling Systems
Application: Clinical & Life Sciences, Nanoparticles

OilStation Features Diagram

ID: 277
Category: diagrams
ESI System: prepFAST Sample Preparation Stations
Application: Oils, Lubricants & Coolants

prepFAST Carbon Features Diagram (non-OEM specific)

ID: 283
Category: diagrams
ESI System: prepFAST Ultrapure Chemicals Systems
Application: Semiconductor Laboratory, Semiconductor Online Monitoring

prepFAST Carbon Features Diagram Agilent TOF

ID: 282
Category: diagrams
ESI System: prepFAST Ultrapure Chemicals Systems
Application: Semiconductor Laboratory, Semiconductor Online Monitoring

prepFAST Features Diagram

ID: 289
Category: diagrams
ESI System: Autodilution & Autocalibration Systems
Application: Agriculture & Food, Batteries & Renewable Energy, Clinical & Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental, Mining & Materials, Pharmaceutical

prepFAST IC Clinical Features Diagram

ID: 279
Category: diagrams
ESI System: Speciation/Chromatography Systems
Application: Clinical & Life Sciences

prepFAST IC Features Diagram

ID: 278
Category: diagrams
ESI System: Speciation/Chromatography Systems
Application: Agriculture & Food, Batteries & Renewable Energy, Environmental, Pharmaceutical