ID: 66
ESI System:
SampleSense Soil
Agriculture & Food
SampleSense Soil uses an inert injection valve with built-in optical sensors that automatically detect the liquid sample, inject the valve and trigger the ICP read in a tightly-timed analytical sequence. SampleSense Soil eliminates wasted time from the ICP method and can more than double sample throughput on the iCAP ICPOES while recording missing or empty tubes.
ID: 81
ESI System:
SampleSense Soil
Agriculture & Food
SampleSense Soil uses an inert injection valve with built-in optical sensors that automatically detect the liquid sample, inject the valve and trigger the ICP read in a tightly-timed analytical sequence. SampleSense Soil eliminates wasted time from the ICP method and can double or even triple sample throughput while recording missing or empty tubes.
ID: 82
ESI System:
SampleSense Soil
Agriculture & Food
SampleSense Soil uses an inert injection valve with built-in optical sensors that automatically detect the liquid sample, inject the valve and trigger the ICP read in a tightly-timed analytical sequence. SampleSense Soil eliminates wasted time from the ICP method and can more than double sample throughput on the iCAP ICP-OES while recording missing or empty tubes.
ID: 83
ESI System:
SampleSense Soil
Agriculture & Food
SampleSense Soil uses an inert injection valve with built-in optical sensors that automatically detect the liquid sample, inject the valve and trigger the ICP read in a tightly-timed analytical sequence. SampleSense Soil eliminates wasted time from the ICP method and can double or even triple sample throughput while recording missing or empty tubes.
ID: 84
ESI System:
Agriculture & Food
Wine is a popular beverage of choice throughout the world and can range in quality, cost, taste, and flavor. The perception of wine quality is generally characterized by the overall score received from a wine critic or the popularity among consumers. However, analytical testing is an important aspect for determining the quality of the wine from the perspective of food safety. The testing can be broken into a few categories: molecular or organic content and elemental or inorganic content. The elemental content can affect various properties of wine; some inorganics (e.g. S, P, Fe, Mg, or Ca) can affect the flavor, color, aroma, and rate of precipitation, whereas elements such as As, Cd, Hg, and Pb are considered toxic and pose great risk for the consumer.
ID: 87
ESI System:
Agriculture & Food
Food safety processes ensure that consumers receive products that are safe for consumption and free of physical, chemical, or biological hazards, including adulterants, pesticides, antibiotics, and chemical contaminants. In the case of chemical contaminants, heavy metals such as arsenic (As), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd) may lead to adverse health effects if consumed. Table 1 displays maximum contaminant limits for select food types in the United States, Europe Union (EU), Nigeria, and Oceania (Australia and New Zealand) related to As, Pb, Cd, Hg, and Se.
ID: 92
ESI System:
SampleSense FAST
Agriculture & Food
The presence of minerals and nutrients such as Ca, Na, P, Mg, and K at high concentrations makes ICP-OES the ideal technique for analyzing animal feed, but traditional sample introduction systems sometimes have difficulty analyzing these high-matrix samples. The addition of an automated sample introduction system with sample detection capability improves analytical performance by automatically accounting for variable sample viscosity, detecting missed sample events and minimizing sample consumption. This application note demonstrates the SampleSense FAST with the Avio 500 ICP-OES using the European Standard Method EN 15621 for the determination of nutrients in animal feed.
ID: 248
ESI System:
EdibleOil ICP, DXCi
Agriculture & Food
EdibleOil ICP heats the entire sample flow path to melt samples and automate elemental analysis of liquid, semiliquid, and solid edible oil samples. This note describes the EdibleOil ICP analytical procedure with an Avio 200 ICP showing low detection limits, high throughput, and stable results for extended and automated analytical runs.
ID: 249
ESI System:
SampleSense Soil
Agriculture & Food
SampleSense Soil uses an inert injection valve with built-in optical sensors that automatically detect the liquid sample, inject the valve and trigger the ICP read in a tightly-timed analytical sequence. SampleSense Soil eliminates wasted time from the ICP method and can double or even triple sample throughput on the Agilent 5000 Series ICP systems while recording missing or empty tubes.
ID: 306
ESI System:
Agriculture & Food, Batteries & Renewable Energy, Environmental
The DispensingStation is a user-friendly and approachable automation system equipped with a touchscreen controller and an ultrasonic sensor designed for precise laboratory sample preparation. This innovative system streamlines and automates processes such as sample dilution, offering customizable methods to suit your needs. By simplifying these tasks, the DispensingStation enhances the accuracy of results while saving labs significant time and money. To demonstrate the capabilities of the DispensingStation, experiments were designed based on acid digestion. Acid digestion is commonly used for analyzing solidstate samples like soil and metals. However, the resulting matrix often requires dilution for ICPMS analysis due to its high solid fraction. The heated digestion process yields varying initial volumes, posing challenges for maintaining consistent final volumes during dilution. The DispensingStation solves this problem by using an ultrasonic sensor which provides precise filling of v