ID: 3935
Year: 2024
Products: Product Unavailable
Authors: Munoz-Abril, LJ;
Application: ~
High connectivity in marine populations is critical for maintaining genetic diversity, population resilience, and ecosystem health. This study investigates the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) population structure and connectivity in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO), employing genomic, otolith microchemistry, stable isotopes, growth modeling, and reproductive analyses. Genomic analysis using single nucleotide polymorphisms revealed a single stock in the EPO, with minor genetic differences between fish from Colombia and elsewhere in the EPO. The otolith microchemistry and stable isotopes analyses indicated three distinct chemical groupings or clusters among the fish (in Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico), representing potential nursery areas. These groupings suggest the existence of at least three ecological regions within the metapopulation that are influenced by different oceanographic conditions. Using the Richards growth model, growth and reproductive studies identified a three-phasic ...
ID: 3934
Year: 2024
Products: seaFAST
Authors: Ebeling, A;
Application: seawater;
ID: 3933
Year: 2024
Products: Product Unavailable
Authors: Manfio, S;
Application: ~
This PhD thesis investigates the legacy of the Indian Ocean slave trade through a multidisciplinary study centered on the island of Mauritius. It employs maritime archaeology, archival research, and material cultural analysis to examine slave shipwrecks, offering crucial insights into the lived experiences of enslaved individuals, the complex dynamics of the trade, and its enduring impact on Mauritian society. By focusing on the comparative study of two distinct shipwrecks within Mauritian waters—the Victoire representing the legal era and the Coureurepitomizing the illegal period—this research elucidates the intricate evolution of the slave trade in this region. The thesis contextualizes the Indian Ocean as a historically significant maritime region, highlighting Mauritius' pivotal role in the slave trade under various colonial influences. It addresses the methodological challenges inherent in studying underground economies, such as the illegal slave trade following abolition, dem...
ID: 3932
Year: 2024
Products: ESI New Wave Micromill
Authors: Jones, J;
Application: Blood;Environmental;isotope;
Field metabolic rate (the combined energetic cost of performance when exposed to natural conditions) represents how an individual with a particular expressed genotypical and phenotypic respiratory potential reacts to the experienced environment. Population-scale measurements of field metabolic rate (FMR) can potentially identify the sensitivity of populations to environmental drivers such as temperature, and the capacity for climatic resilience through behavioural adaptation. To date, from a fisheries perspective, FMR is largely inferred or assumed from the relationship between environmental conditions and distribution, coupled with laboratory based respiratory potential experiments. Such studies have broad and untested assumptions, and as a result the accuracy of their findings has been questioned. In this thesis I apply a newly emerging proxy for estimating field metabolic rate in marine fishes, drawing on stable isotope values from otolith aragonite. Stable carbon isotope compositio...
ID: 3931
Year: 2024
Products: Product Unavailable
Authors: Achleitner, B;
Application: Environmental;Species;Laser;
High-performance polymers are usually indicated by their extraordinary material properties like high heat and oxidative resistance, chemical inertness, high dimensional stability and corrosion resistance. Because of their ability to maintain their mechanical and physical properties over a wide temperature range, they are widely used in applications that involve high temperature and extreme environment. Polyimides are one important class of high-performance polymers, characterized by an imide group as a building block of the polymer backbone. Since they can be processed as films, fibers, porous membranes, etc. they have found extensive implementations in the automotive, aerospace and electronics industry. Due to their low dielectric constant and very good electrical insulation properties, they are particularly interesting for electronics and electrical engineering applications and are extensively used as isolation and protective medium. Their purpose is to ensure reliable operation unde...
ID: 3930
Year: 2024
Products: ESI NWR193UC laser ablation system
Authors: Kramer, P;
Application: Laser;
The Central Maine basin was positioned between the eastern margin of Laurentia and the micro-continent Ganderia and is composed of metamorphosed marine sedimentary rocks deposited in Late Ordovician to Early Devonian time. Repeated deformation from the Acadian and subsequent orogenies obfuscates the stratigraphy and has led to varied interpretations of Maine’s tectonic history. The Messalonskee Lake thrust (MLT) has been proposed to divide the Central Maine basin into western and eastern sections, separating two stratigraphic sequences of similar age and lithologic character: the Sangerville Formation in the western lower plate and the Vassalboro Group in the eastern upper plate. The MLT was first proposed to explain inverted sequences and the juxtaposition of proximal and distal turbidite sequences; however, no direct field evidence for faulting exists, classifying the Messalonskee Lake thrust as a conceptual fault. The existence of the MLT is called into question as it is portrayed...
ID: 3929
Year: 2024
Products: ESL 193 nm Excimer laser ablation system with a TwoVol3 sample chamber coupled to an Agilent 8900 triple quadrupole ICP-MS
Authors: Richard, D;
Application: Laser;
The South Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) is a network of orogen-parallel, low-angle normal faults and shear zones traced along the entire length of the Himalayan orogen. It played a critical role in facilitating large-scale, normal-sense movement between the upper and middle crust during convergence. Despite its significance, key controls on the deformation processes of the STDS remain poorly understood. This study presents a time-resolved deformation history of the STDS in the Tsum Valley (Manaslu region, central Nepalese Himalaya), detailing its kinematics, deformation mechanisms, and stress history. In the Tsum Valley, the STDS is a ~2500 m wide zone of ductile deformation that includes Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS) and Tethyan Sedimentary Sequence (TSS) rocks, without a discrete brittle detachment at higher levels. In situ Rb-Sr geochronology indicates that deformation and cooling within the STDS occurred between 17-13 Ma. Deformation occurred under monoclinic-dominant general...
ID: 3928
Year: 2024
Products: Elemental Scientific Lasers
Authors: Goncalves de Mello, M;
Application: Laser;
Dystrophin, an essential protein for muscle fibre function, is part of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC), which stabilizes muscle contraction by linking the cytoskeletal actin network to the extracellular matrix. The DGC interacts with dystrophin-associated proteins to maintain muscle fibre structure and neuromuscular synapse stability. Mutations in the dystrophin gene can cause Duchenne and Becker's muscular dystrophy. This thesis advances techniques for studying the DGC, mainly using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and immuno-mass spectrometry imaging (iMSI). The initial chapters review DGC structure and protein-protein interaction techniques, highlighting the limitations of previous methods in quantitative spatial imaging. Subsequent chapters address the impact of sample preparation steps on imaging accuracy and introduce protocols for improving reproducible antibody binding in iMSI. Additionally, the thesis explores enhancing bio-imag...
ID: 3927
Year: 2024
Products: ESI PrepFAST autosampler
Authors: Jarvinen, J;
Application: Clinical;Blood;Cells;Drug;
Despite significant advances, cancer remains a complex and deadly disease, demanding innovative treatment strategies. The increasing prevalence of central nervous system (CNS) and head and neck tumors highlights the urgent need for effective drug delivery methods to these challenging areas. Standard treatments often fall short because these tumors are close to sensitive organs or located behind barriers like the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. Low survival rates for aggressive tumors emphasize the need for alternative, targeted therapies. This study aims to improve drug targeting across the BBB and to cancer cells by modifying drugs to utilize transporter systems, specifically L-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1) and glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1), both abundant in cancer cells and at the BBB. LAT1 and GLUT1 are crucial sodium-independent transporters that facilitate the cellular uptake of essential nutrients. LAT1 carries large, neutral amino acids li...
ID: 3926
Year: 2024
Products: support with the hydrideICP system
Authors: Pacer, EJ;
Application: Clinical;Blood;Biological;Environmental;Speciation;Species;
Mercury (Hg) exposure from environmental sources and consumer products presents a significant public health concern. The toxicity of methylmercury (MeHg) differs considerably from inorganic mercury (iHg), such that their separation and quantification in whole blood is helpful in identifying sources and possible pathways of exposure. Speciation methods provide a more detailed picture regarding human exposure to toxic mercury species and their effects on human health. This dissertation focuses on advanced analytical techniques for human biomonitoring and clinical diagnosis of Hg exposure. The primary aim of this research is to address important knowledge gaps and analytical challenges in studies of Hg species in whole blood. A major contribution of this work is the development and validation of a novel, rapid, and robust analytical method for the speciation of MeHg and iHg in whole blood using isocratic liquid chromatography coupled with vapor generation inductively coupled plasma tandem...
ID: 3924
Year: 2024
Products: Product Unavailable
Authors: Moriconi, M;
Application: ~
Sportswashing has become a fashionable concept when discussing the use of sport for political purposes, especially in the anglophone media. Its fame led to the Norwegian Language Board choosing sportswashing as word of the year in 2021. In 2022, the term increased in popularity as did its presence in public discourse, especially with the holding of the FIFA World Cup in Qatar. It even reached the social sciences where an incipient production of articles on the subject has emerged. Despite the prevalence of the term, there is almost no debate around the nature of the concept. Its definition is somewhat limited and contradictory, and its utility generates more doubts than certainties. Given this framework, this chapter presents a critical deconstruction of the concept by denoting the semantic contradictions, analysing the practices and the actors described by journalists and activists, and promoting a non-ideological and critical way of analysing how governments use sport. Keywords: Spor...
ID: 3923
Year: 2024
Products: Product Unavailable
Authors: Encinas, L;Li, S;Rullas-Trincado, J;Tasneen, R;Tyagi, S;Soni, H;García-Pérez, A;Lee, J;González, d;Mercado, J;Sousa, V;Sosič, I;Gobec, S;Mendoza-Losana, A;Converse, P;Mdluli, K;Fotouhi, N;Barros-Aguirre, D;Nuermberger, E;
Application: Clinical;Drug;
ABSTRACT Isoniazid is an important first-line medicine to treat tuberculosis (TB). Isoniazid resistance increases the risk of poor treatment outcomes and development of multidrug resistance, and is driven primarily by mutations involving katG , encoding the pro-drug activating enzyme, rather than its validated target, InhA. The chemical tractability of InhA has fostered efforts to discover direct inhibitors of InhA (DIIs). During the past five years, successful target engagement and in vivo efficacy have been demonstrated by diverse DIIs. In this study, we bridge the gap in understanding the potential contribution of DIIs to novel combination regimens and demonstrate a clear distinction of DIIs, like GSK693 and the newly described GSK138, from isoniazid, based on activity against clinical isolates and contribution to novel drug regimens. The results presented increase the understanding of DII mechanism of action and provide further impetus to continue exploiting InhA as a promising tar...
ID: 3922
Year: 2024
Products: seaFAST
Authors: Choi, H;Cho, C;Min, B;Kang, W;Lee, M;
Application: seawater;
Hazardous and noxious substances (HNS), when discharged into the marine environment, affect to humans and marine organisms, even corrosive damage to marine facilities, or otherwise interfere with the use of marine areas. Therefore, it is necessary to study the background concentration and distribution status of hazardous substances discharged from marine industrial facilities located along the coast. In this study, a trace metal status survey of HNS in seawater was investigated around 5 industrial facilities and 5 power plants in Korea 2021-2023. Thre result of investigation was Ba, Cr, Cu, Pb, Mn, Zn, As, Cd, Hg, Se, Ni, Sn, Ag and V were detected in all regions and their concentrations were relatively high in some regions. In all regions, the material-specific detection ranges were Ba: 0.58-67.31, Cr: 0.02-19.76, Cu: 0.03-53.46, Pb: 0.0015-7.32, Mn: 0.05-342.12, Zn: 0.33-101.12, As: 0.03-8.68, Cd: 0.0007-0.78, Hg: 0.001-0.01, Se: 0.0044-4.88, Ni: 0.03-4.88, Sn: 0.0025-26.43, Ag: 0.00...
ID: 3921
Year: 2024
Products: NewWave UP 213 laser ablation microprobe
Authors: LI, W;TANG, J;GUO, N;LANG, X;SONG, S;
Application: isotope;Laser;
The Tieshanlong ore field is an important part of the Nanling Range, which is famous worldwide for its W-Sn mineralization. Notably, the mineralization age of the Tieshanlong ore field is not well constrained, and our field investigation reveals that granitic emplacement occurred at different stages. However, previous studies have not distinguished these multiple stages of magmatism. The Tieshanlong granite complex is closely related to the Huangsha quartz vein-type W-Sn deposit and Tongling skarn-type Cu-W-Sn deposit in this field. Through field investigations and isotopic age analyses, this work studies the relationship between multistage magmatic activity and mineralization in the Tieshanlong ore field. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb isotope analyses revealed that the first- and second-staged granites formed at 154.2 ± 0.6 Ma (MSDW = 1.4) and 151.2 ± 0.4 Ma (MSDW = 1.5), with zircon εHf(t) values ranging from -13.1 to -10.5 and from -14.7 to -11.1, respectively. These data suggest that th...
ID: 3920
Year: 2024
Products: ESI New Wave Research MicroMill Sampling system,
Authors: Moore, NE;Toth, C;Bohrson, WA;
Application: ~
Giant plagioclase basalts (GPBs), flows that contain abundant and conspicuous plagioclase crystals ≥1 cm in length, exist at many continental flood basalt provinces, and their presence can provide a window into the crustal differentiation processes and storage conditions that produced the magmas prior to eruption. GPB flows occur in the Steens Basalt of southeast Oregon, USA, one of the earliest members of the Columbia River Flood Basalt Group, but their origin in this province has not been studied in detail. We conducted quantitative textural analysis utilizing crystal size distributions (CSDs) at the outcrop and thin section scale, as well as in situ plagioclase trace element and isotopic compositional analysis, in order to elucidate the processes responsible for generating two end-member textural types of GPB found in the Steens Basalt: daisy stone glomerocryst clusters composed of radiating plagioclase laths and single isolated plagioclase. CSD patterns suggest a changing balance...
ID: 3919
Year: 2024
Products: NWR 193UC LA system
Authors: Yang, Y;Yang, Z;Pan, X;Li, X;
Application: Laser;
Wollastonite is an important calc-silicate mineral that has been widely used in industrial manufacturing. However, massive accumulations of wollastonite are not common in nature. In this study, we investigated the geology and genesis of the world’s largest wollastonite deposit (69.55 million tonnes [Mt] of wollastonite) at Shizhushan in the Mengshan district, South China. The wollastonite orebodies in the Shizhushan deposit are hosted by chert-bearing limestones within the Permian Makou Formation formed during the contact metamorphic stage, which is largely dependent on the distance between the Late Triassic magma and strata. Garnet and calcite veinlets, which crosscut the wollastonite orebodies, yielded well-constrained U-Pb ages of 225.3 ± 2.4 Ma (mean square weighted deviation [MSWD] = 0.9; n = 51) and 224.9 ± 2.6 Ma (MSWD = 1.1; n = 45), respectively. These determined ages are coeval with previously published ages of the medium-grained porphyritic biotite granite and fine-grain...
ID: 3918
Year: 2024
Products: PrepFAST MC
Authors: Zarkogiannis, S;Day, C;
Application: Dissolved;Species;seawater;isotope;
The presence of Mg-rich calcite in foraminifera shells has impeded traditional calcite-based paleothermometry in the eastern Mediterranean, complicating our understanding of the region's past climate. This study analysed the calcium isotopic composition (δ44/40Ca) in the shells of the planktonic foraminifera species Globigerinoides ruber (white), collected from 12 core top sediment samples spanning the Aegean and Levantine Seas in the eastern Mediterranean. The shells exhibited varying degrees of early diagenetic Mg-rich authigenic calcite coatings, which complicates traditional calcite-based paleothermometry in the region. Our findings demonstrate a significant correlation between the δ44/40Ca data and the Mg/Ca ratios of the shells and suggest that the inorganic calcite overgrowth originates from seawater. Moreover, the calcium isotopic composition increases with the amount of calcite overgrowth. This relationship allowed us to quantify the maximum potential inorganic endmember. Th...
ID: 3917
Year: 2024
Products: Product Unavailable
Authors: Smetona, M;
Application: ~
The concept of citizenship (civic sense) has not yet fully crystallised, which is why different aspects are emphasised in academic literature and public discourse. Attempts are made to compare and associate it with other concepts, such as nationality or patriotism, which are often used synonymously in various contexts. From a linguistic perspective, the concept of citizenship has not been thoroughly examined. Therefore, the aim of this article is to explore the concept of citizenship in Lithuanian dictionaries, public media texts, and the responses of young people to the question: What does citizenship mean to you? The concept of citizenship is closely related to another concept—namely, the state—where legal, cultural, social, and political elements are interconnected. The state provides its citizens with rights and duties, and a citizen must be able to use and defend the rights and freedoms granted, as well as actively participate in public life with the ultimate goal of contribut...
ID: 3916
Year: 2024
Products: TV2
Authors: Hussien, S;
Application: Drug;
Abstract Background: Egypt is a developing country with high population density and a high proportion of people with moderate or low socioeconomic levels. The threat of sexually transmitted diseases, such as trichomoniasis, forms an important public health concern. Trichomoniasis, especially in asymptomatic individuals, remains neglected and poorly addressed .Trichomonas Vaginalis, a parasitic protozoa that causes the sexually transmitted infection trichomoniasis, is the sexually transmitted infection with the largest annual incidence and considered as one of the neglected tropical parasitic infections. More understanding about genetic features of the parasite can be helpful in the study of the pathogenesis, drug susceptibility and epidemiology of the infection, we conducted analysis of the actin gene of T. vaginalis by applying the Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and nucleotide sequencing method. Aim and objectives: To investigate the genetic variability of T.Vaginalis...
ID: 3915
Year: 2024
Products: R213 laser
Authors: Xiao, T;He, D;Liu, D;Jia, S;Chen, Q;Silverman, D;Maitra, N;Huang, A;Nguyen, T;Rao, G;Tillage, R;Deng, K;Weinshenker, D;Britt, R;Kelly, M;Yang, D;Chang, C;
Application: Cells;Species;Laser;
Increasing brain complexity is a major step in the evolution of species. Here, we show that in the transition from amphibians to reptiles that the DNA repair protein, RAD23B, acquires a new metalloadapter function that allows it serve as a central hub for both metabolism and protection of genomic integrity. More specifically, RAD23B gains an allosteric H274/H323 copper-binding site to enable transfer of copper from the universal copper transporter 1 (CTR1) uptake protein to all known copper metallochaperone pathways, while simultaneously making its canonical functions in DNA repair copper-dependent. This new layer of nutrient regulation allows organisms to withstand elevated levels of potentially toxic copper while augmenting metabolism in cells with high energetic needs across both physiology and disease, including neurons in the locus coeruleus, a key brain structure that regulates sleep, and cancer cells....
ID: 3914
Year: 2024
Products: Elemental Scientific SC4 DX FAST auto-sampler
Authors: Choi, S;Marcial, J;Neeway, J;Pearce, C;Kerisit, S;Kosson, D;Thorpe, C;Hand, R;Kruger, A;
Application: Environmental;EPA;nuclear;
In this study, we present results of a room temperature, pH-dependent leach test established by United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) (EPA Method 1313 and further abbreviated EPA 1313) to study the alteration behavior of low-activity nuclear waste (LAW) glasses. Implementation of EPA 1313, which is closer to LAW disposal temperatures, should allow for more flexibility in the formulation of Hanford LAW glasses by eliminating unnecessarily restricted high-temperature chemical durability tests, specifically in terms of increased waste loading. A set of 41 LAW glasses were selected to test with EPA 1313. Briefly, the test method consists of adding glass to a number of solutions at different initial pH values and at a fixed mass-to-solution-volume ratio. The glass is then allowed to corrode for two days and the final solution pH and concentration of different glass elements in solution is measured. The test was modified from t...
ID: 3912
Year: 2024
Products: CF-N-0200
Authors: Camoying, M;Koch, F;Stimpfle, J;Pausch, F;Hassler, C;Trimborn, S;
Application: seawater;
Primary production in the Southern Ocean is strongly influenced by the availability of light and iron (Fe). To examine the response of two distinct natural Antarctic phytoplankton communities (diatom vs. flagellates) to increasing light and Fe availability, we conducted two shipboard incubation experiments during late summer and exposed each community to increasing light intensities (30, 80, and 150 µmol photons m −2 s −1 ) with or without Fe amendment. Our results show clearly that both communities were Fe-limited since Fe addition resulted in higher particulate organic carbon (POC) production rates. The magnitude of the Fe-dependent increase in POC production, however, varied between the two stations being higher in the diatom-dominated community relative to the flagellate-dominated community. This differential response to increasing Fe supply could be attributed to the higher Fe requirement of the flagellate-dominated assemblage relative to the diatom-dominated assemblage. Irre...
ID: 3911
Year: 2024
Products: autosampler SC-2 DX FAST
Authors: Dragun, Z;Ivanković, D;Tepić, N;Marijić, V;Šariri, S;Mijošek, T;Drk, S;Gjurčević, E;Matanović, K;Kužir, S;Barac, F;Kiralj, Z;Kralj, T;Valić, D;
Application: Biological;
The impact of the long-term historical contamination of the Mrežnica River with textile industry wastewaters on metal/metalloid bioaccumulation in the muscles of the young northern pike (Esox lucius) (0+ to 3+) was evaluated, as well as the association of bioaccumulated metal/metalloid concentrations in the muscle with fish physiology. Increased levels of several elements (As, Bi, Cs, Co, Cu, Zn), bioaccumulated in fish muscle, were occasionally found in front of the former factory, but the obtained metal/metalloid concentrations in muscle were in general either comparable or even lower than in the fish from moderately contaminated freshwaters. Calculated target hazard quotients indicated that the current risk for humans, arising from consumption of the northern pike meat originating from a historically contaminated section of the Mrežnica River, was negligible. The influence of biological factors, especially seasonal physiological changes, on metal/metalloid bioaccumulation was conf...
ID: 3910
Year: 2024
Products: SC DX4
Authors: Golubkina, N;Sheshnitsan, S;Koshevarov, A;Pirogov, N;Plotnikova, U;Tallarita, A;Murariu, O;Merlino, L;Caruso, G;
Application: Environmental;Species;soil;
Plant-soil interactions in semi-desert conditions elicit the development of plant-specific adaptation strategies, including selective accumulation of macro- and microelements. Using an ICP-MS analysis of 12 plant species belonging to Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Ephedraceae, Amarantaceae, and Lamiaceae families of the Baskunchak Nature Reserve, remarkable species differences in accumulation of 22 macro- and microelements were recorded. The most common Artemisia species and Poaceae representatives belong to two different groups of plants with high content of Na, K, Zn, Cu, V and high antioxidant status and low Si typical for the former group and the opposite characteristics for the latter one. The mentioned phenomenon indicates two diverse powerful adaptation mechanisms based on the antioxidant defense and Si protection, respectively. The high frequency of remarkable levels of Se in plants with BCF exceeding 1 (Glycyrrhiza aspera, Phlomis pungens, Tanacetum nullifolium, Helichrysum no...
ID: 3909
Year: 2024
Products: Product Unavailable
Authors: Lu, J;Yan, X;Toplosky, V;Levitan, J;Han, K;Wadhams, J;Humayun, M;Abraimov, D;Bai, H;
Application: ~
Residual resistance ratio (RRR) of Cu stabilizer in REBCO coated conductor is an important design parameter for REBCO magnets. In this work, we measured RRR of electroplated Cu stabilizer in commercial REBCO tapes. Over 130 samples were measured for the quality assurance programs of REBCO magnet projects at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, USA (NHMFL). The average RRR value was above 50. In order to investigate the factors that influence RRR, several samples were analyzed by using scanning electron microscopy, secondary ion mass spectroscopy, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy. We found that, in our samples, RRR was strongly correlated with the grain size. We demonstrated that RRR was primarily determined by grain boundary resistivity. Lower RRR was also strongly correlated with higher concentration of chlorine impurity. This is explained by that higher chlorine impurity hindered the grain growth in the room temperature self annealing process resulting smaller...
ID: 3908
Year: 2024
Products: NWR213
Authors: Tsutsumi, Y;Tani, K;
Application: Laser;
抄録 Although the zonal structure of basement accretionary complexes (ACs) in the Southwest Japan Arc has been thought to extend to the Ryukyu Arc, it is difficult to trace the continuity. We investigated detrital zircon U-Pb ages of sandstones from ACs in Amami-Oshima Island to establish their accretionary age and the continuity of the zonal structure in the central Ryukyu Arc. Basement ACs on Amami-Oshima Island were subdivided into the Yuwan, Naon and Amami Complexes. The Amami Complex shows detrital zircon age spectra similar to those of the older part in the northern Shimanto Belt. In contrast, the Naon Complex shows a spectrum like that of the Chichibu Belt. However, more than one zircon grain of about 110-100 Ma found in the Amami and Naon Complexes present that these complexes corresponding to the northern Shimanto Belt. The Naon Complex would not correspond to the Chichibu Belt as previously thought, but to the northern Shimanto Belt, and the Butsuzo Tectonic Line would be b...
ID: 3907
Year: 2024
Products: Merchantek
Authors: Vellekoop, J;
Application: Environmental;Species;isotope;
Abstract. Stable isotope sclerochemistry of mollusks and otoliths is frequently used for the reconstruction of paleotemperature and seasonality. Constraints on the paleoecology and –environment of these organisms, and how these factors influence intra-and inter-taxon isotope variability and variation, are thus highly valuable. We measured seasonal changes in δ18O and δ13C compositions in multiple specimens of two carditid bivalve species, a turritelline gastropod species, and two species of otoliths from demersal fish, from two early Eocene (latest Ypresian, 49.2 Ma) coquinas in the inner neritic Aalter Sand Formation, located in the Belgian part of the southern North Sea Basin (paleolatitude ~41° N). Results demonstrate variability among taxa in average, amplitude and shape of intra-annual δ18O and δ13C values. This intertaxon variability is at least partly caused by growth cessation during winters in turritellines and otoliths, leading to an incomple...
ID: 3906
Year: 2024
Products: Merchantek
Authors: Rousseau, D;
Application: Environmental;Species;isotope;
Abstract. Stable isotope sclerochemistry of mollusks and otoliths is frequently used for the reconstruction of paleotemperature and seasonality. Constraints on the paleoecology and –environment of these organisms, and how these factors influence intra-and inter-taxon isotope variability and variation, are thus highly valuable. We measured seasonal changes in δ18O and δ13C compositions in multiple specimens of two carditid bivalve species, a turritelline gastropod species, and two species of otoliths from demersal fish, from two early Eocene (latest Ypresian, 49.2 Ma) coquinas in the inner neritic Aalter Sand Formation, located in the Belgian part of the southern North Sea Basin (paleolatitude ~41° N). Results demonstrate variability among taxa in average, amplitude and shape of intra-annual δ18O and δ13C values. This intertaxon variability is at least partly caused by growth cessation during winters in turritellines and otoliths, leading to an incomple...
ID: 3905
Year: 2024
Products: TV3
Authors: Amoakohene, B;Akoto, OY;Kapa, H;
Application: ~
ID: 3904
Year: 2024
Products: PFA nebulizer (~100 µl min-1 uptake rate
Authors: Zahnow, F;
Application: seawater;isotope;Laser;
Entirely molten micrometeorites, termed I-type cosmic spherules, are micrometer to millimeter-sized remnants of extraterrestrial Fe, Ni-rich metal that can be recovered on Earth. I-type cosmic spherules acquire all oxygen during their passage through the Earth's atmosphere, forming Fe, Ni oxides. Therefore, the oxygen isotope variations in modern Antarctic I-type cosmic spherules are used to calibrate the reconstruction of the oxygen isotope composition of atmospheric O2. Fossil I-type cosmic spherules can be preserved in sedimentary rocks and collected for geochemical and extraterrestrial influx studies. As the Δ'17O of atmospheric O2 is a proxy for atmospheric CO2 levels and gross primary production, the oxygen isotope study of fossil I-type cosmic spherules can provide information on the composition of the Earth's atmosphere from the past. However, up to now, no studies on the oxygen isotope composition of fossil I-type cosmic spherules have been conducted. This dissertation aims t...