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Elemental Scientific - Innovative Leaders in Semiconductor Online Monitoring, Laboratory Automation, Laser Ablation, Glassware & Nebulization

Industry-Leading Products from ESI

World Leaders in Laboratory Automation

ESI is the world leader in sample introduction and automation for ICP and ICPMS for all types of elemental analysis. Our expertise and product range spans from sample introduction components/glassware to automated speciation, laser ablation and Online Monitoring just to name a few examples. Select from the categories below to learn more about how our innovatitive products can improve the productivity and performance of your laboratory.
LabStation Systems

Fully automated systems to precisely and accurately prepare, purify and pre-weigh samples for analysis.

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Sample Introduction Components

ESI offers a wide range of ready-to-perform nebulizers, torches, injectors & spray chambers for advanced and unique applications.

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Autosamplers for ICP/ICPMS

The most complete autosampler for metals analysis by ICP/ICPMS in multiple sizes and configurations to suit any application or operating environment.

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Inline Dilution & Autocalibration

Adding a prepFAST automated inline dilution system to your ICP or ICPMS instrument automates tedious tasks including:

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Online Monitoring

Real-time monitoring of semiconductor process chemicals and ultrapure water (UPW) is vital to provide the information needed to improve manufacturing processes and maximize product yield.

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Sample Preparation

The Analab family of products will help to quickly achieve ultra clean, reproducible sample digestion, eliminate contamination, and maximize reagent purity with our portfolio of innovative and patented equipment for the preparation of your precious samples.

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Matrix Removal

Accurately measure trace impurities in seawater, brines, groundwater and other high-matrix samples. Automated matrix removal and analyte preconcentration for a range of applications and analytes.

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Single platform capability for total elemental analysis plus elemental speciation. Seamlessly switch between total metal analysis and chromatography without changing hardware, solutions, or samples.

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UltraPure Chemicals

Revolutionize the analysis of ultrapure semiconductor grade chemicals with ICPMS. Syringe-driven flows automate both sample dilutions and standard addition calibrations. Eliminate manual handling of samples to deliver sub-ppt detection limits with increased operator safety.

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Automated Sample Tracking

An advanced, automated sample identification system -using barcodes to track samples from time of collection through reception to final analysis and data reporting. Direct analysis of semiconductor grade chemicals by ICPMS at less than 1 ppt can be achieved with sampleTRAX SF.

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Complete sample introduction systems specifically for micro-volume samples and ultra-low flow rates. Ideal for isotope ratio measurements, nanoparticles and single-cell applications.

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ESI also offers advanced system control and data processing solutions. Make the most of advanced analytical hardware with state-of-the-art software.

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Laser Ablation

From bulk analysis of raw or finished materials to sub-micron biological imaging, Elemental Scientific Lasers has the analytical tools, sample preparation systems and data reduction software for all laser ablation/solid sampling applications.

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