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Elemental Scientific - Innovative Leaders in Semiconductor Online Monitoring, Laboratory Automation, Laser Ablation, Glassware & Nebulization

Analab Sample Preparation Accessories

Analab CleanAcids – Sub-boiling Purification Systems

CleanAcid 1 x 1000 mL

Designed to safely generate ultra-pure reagents required for trace metal analysis from inexpensive reagent-grade starting materials.

Clean Acids. Lower Cost. Better Results.

  • Produce high-purity acid when it is needed - from lower cost reagent grade acid
  • The inexpensive reagent-grade acid is gently heated and the condensed vapors produce high-purity acid in an external collection bottle
  • Units available with 1 and 3 purification stations with volumes of 125, 500, & 1000 mL
  • All CleanAcid component surfaces are PFA-coated to eliminate corrosion by acid vapors for long, maintenance-free lifetimes
  • Temperature Regulator located remote from device with a PFA encapsulated cable to allow placement outside hood environment

Features Diagram for CleanAcids

Featured Diagram for CleanAcids

Save your lab money and time with Analab’s acid purification systems!

CleanAcids 3 x 125 mL

CleanAcids 3 x 125 mL

CleanAcids 3 x 500 mL

CleanAcids 3 x 500 mL

CleanAcid 1 x 1000 mL

CleanAcids 1 x 1000 mL

How It Works

  • The inexpensive reagent-grade acid is placed inside a PFA bottle and held by the CleanAcids system to a constant, uniform and controlled temperature (just below the acid boiling point)
  • Sub-boiling distillation produces high-purity acid vapors which then condense into the collection vessel
  • Purification for HCl, HNO3, HBr, HF, HClO4, NH4OH & H2O2
  • Ideal for unattended operation, as regulator is controlled with a timer
  • Easily configured to routinely purify multiple reagents simply with additional vessel kits
How It Works


  • Vessel Kits available in 125, 500, & 1000 mL sizes
  • All Fluoropolymer construction for corrosion resistance and high purity
  • Standard CleanAcids Vessel Kits consists of 2 PFA vessels, 2 PFA caps and fluoropolymer elbow with vent
  • Vessel kits also available with dual ports that supply both a vent and a temperature probe for direct temperature measurement in the liquid
  • Elbow Stands available for all vessel sizes, for support of Vessel kits while not in use
125 mL Elbow Stand

125 mL Elbow Stand

500 mL Elbow Stand

500 mL Elbow Stand

125 mL Vented Vessel Kit

125 mL Vented Vessel Kit

500 mL Vented Vessel Kit

500 mL Vented Vessel Kit

1000 mL Vented Vessel Kit

1000 mL Vented Vessel Kit


  • All Analab devices require an external temperature regulator/controller
  • Designed for remote location outside the corrosive atmosphere of the fume hood for extended operational lifetime
  • Available in 110–120 V & 208-240 V models
  • Single controller models available in:
    • Single-setpoint Nonprogrammable Regulator with Timer
    • Multistep Programmable Regulator
  • Dual controllers available with temperature feedback/control from remote probe
Nonprogrammable Regulator with Timer

Nonprogrammable Regulator with Timer

Programmable Regulator with Timer

Programmable Regulator with Timer

Programmable Dual Controller Regulator

Programmable Dual Controller Regulator

Contact us for information on our Analab CleanAcids Purification Systems!

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