When You Think Productivity, Think FAST!
The FAST Automation Systems maximize the productivity of the ICP and ICPMS by optimizing and utilizing ALL the non-productive steps in a sample acquisition.

Revolutionary Valve for FAST & prepFAST
- Eliminates method timing parameters
- Optimizes loading conditions for each sample matrix
- Automatically loads loop with samples of varying viscosities
- Reduces sample consumption
- Actively detects and reports sample loading issues
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For Micro-volume Clinical Samples
- Integrated optical sensors to automatically load, detect, and inject samples
- Automatically triggers the instrument data acquisition
- Ensures sample loading integrity by logging any potential failed sample loading events
- Enhanced washout and reduction in sample volume
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Ultra-high Throughput Oil Analysis
- Reduces carbon buildup on torch
- Maximizes profit per sample
- Eliminates oil drips from sample probe
- Improves stability for longer, more productive runs
- Sample throughput up to 180 samples per hour
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6 Second Mehlich-3-ICP Soil Analysis
- 10 samples per minute Mehlich-3-ICP
- Automatic sensing, injection, and triggering of the ICP analytical read
- Detection and reporting of missing or empty sample tubes as “unsensed” samples
- Adding SampleSense FAST Soil can double or even triple sample throughput
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Improves sample throughput up to 300%
- All fluoropolymer flow path includes PFA valve rotor for long life and low maintenance
- High speed vacuum sample loading minimizes sample uptake time
- Improved data quality
- Lower reagent costs
- Lower cost of consumables and routine maintenance
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