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Elemental Scientific - Innovative Leaders in Semiconductor Online Monitoring, Laboratory Automation, Laser Ablation, Glassware & Nebulization

FAST Sample Introduction Systems

FAST Automated Sample Introduction System

FAST System

When you think productivity, think FAST!

ESI’s FAST system maximizes the productivity of any ICP and ICPMS by optimizing sample uptake and rinse.

FAST Highlights

  • All fluoropolymer flow path includes PFA valve rotor for long life and low maintenance
  • FAST is a high-throughput, automated sample introduction system for any ICP or ICPMS
  • Combined with any DX or DXCi autosampler, the FAST systems uses rapid vacuum sample loading combined with valve injection to speed up sample introduction
  • High performance economical P-Series valve reduces carryover/memory effects
  • For the ultimate in FAST automation, SampleSense technology with automatic sample detection/injection is also available
FAST System


  • FAST valve systems speed up sample uptake, stabilization, and washout, dramatically shortening overall analysis time
  • The data acquisition time is unchanged, but all other overhead time per sample is reduced
  • By placing the valve and sample loop close to the nebulizer and eliminating sample contact with the peristaltic pump tubing, sample uptake and washout performance are significantly improved
Normal & FAST Analysis

How It Works

  • FAST systems use rapid vacuum sample loading to speed sample introduction
  • By simultaneously (1) rinsing the spray chamber while loading sample, and then (2) rinsing the probe line while analyzing the sample, throughput is significantly increased and washout time is greatly reduced
  • Compatible with any ICP or ICPMS, the instrument peristaltic pump is used to deliver the Carrier solution and the Internal Standard solution (if used)
How It Works

How It Works

Improved Productivity

  • The FAST system allows analyses to be performed 2-5 times faster than a standard autosampler
  • Reduces cost per analysis by reducing operating costs and shortening analytical runs
  • By presenting the sample for a shorter period of time during the measurement, contamination of the instrument is minimized, resulting in long and stable analytical runs without maintenance
  • The FAST system reduces consumption of argon, electricity, and reagents

Samples Analyzed in an 8 Hour Day

Improved Productivity


FAST technology is compatible with the complete range of DX-series autosamplers, in all available sizes from micro-sampling to 14DX for ultra-high-volume requirements.


FAST DXi–Integrated FAST Valve & Precision Micro Peripump

The FAST DXi for ICP/ICPMS instruments is a fully integrated automation system for a number of diverse high throughput applications. Software and hardware are fully-integrated in one platform–Autosampler, FAST valves, syringe pumps, peristaltic pumps and multi-application software control.

  • Chemically-resistant FlexRack supports FAST valves, manages peristaltic pump tubing & waste connections, routes cables, and locates two 2 L bottles for internal standard and carrier solutions
prepFAST X iCAP Pro Valve Rack with Side Panels
  • FAST valve assemblies can also be mounted directly on some instruments with a customized bracket
Agilent FAST Valve Hut P7
  • FAST valve assemblies are available for integration into a range of current and older ICP and ICPMS instruments
DXi-V1SS-65 Single Valve Agilent DXi

DXi-V1SS-37 DXi for Avio 500 with one SampleSense FAST actuator

Product Brochure

FAST System Brochure

Contact us for information on FAST Automated Sample Introduction Systems!

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