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Elemental Scientific - Innovative Leaders in Semiconductor Online Monitoring, Laboratory Automation, Laser Ablation, Glassware & Nebulization

FAST Sample Introduction Systems

SampleSense Soil High Throughput Soil Analysis

SampleSense Valve

SampleSense Soil uses an inert injection valve with built-in optical sensors that automatically detect the liquid sample, inject the valve and trigger the ICP read in a tightly-timed analytical sequence. This ultra high-throughput system eliminates wasted time from the ICP method and can double or even triple sample throughput while recording missing or empty tubes.


  • Up to 10 samples per minute Mehlich-3-ICP
  • Automatic sensing, injection, and triggering of the ICP analytical read
  • Detection and reporting of missing or empty sample tubes as “unsensed” samples
  • Adding SampleSense FAST can double or even triple sample throughput

Increased Productivity

  • Produces long analytical runs without operator intervention
  • Minimized sample consumption allows reanalysis
  • Doubles or triples throughput of ICP instrument
  • Reduces argon consumption
Innovative Sample Loading

Innovative Sample Loading

SampleSense accounts for viscosity and automatically adjusts timing. One method for multiple sample types.

Time Savings

Time Savings

Operator time for sample introduction method development is eliminated. Just run samples.

Sample Savings

Sample Savings

The sample is injected at precisely the right time. Every time. Even for small samples.

Error Notification

Error Notification

Incomplete sample loading or bubbles in the sample are detected and logged.

Mehlich-3-ICP Soil Analysis

Mehlich-3-ICP is a method for determining bioavailable concentrations of 11 extractable micronutrient elements in soil samples. Mehlich-3-ICP is invaluable for determining the amount of fertilizer to apply to farm fields. Because soil analyses must be completed in a narrow time window, ultra-high sample throughtput with high-reliability is required.

Ease of Use

  • Optical detection of the filled sample loop automatically triggers ICP analysis
  • Removes timing and read delay adjustments
  • Eliminates method development when changing sample loop size for other methods

Automated Compensation of Physical Clogs and Timing Variables

  • Reliable timing down to 0.05 s and better
  • Compensates for:
    • Partial clogs from filter paper fibers, particles, etc.
    • Accidental line kinks
    • Timing variables caused by high or low sample tube levels
    • ICP computer slow-down from software and data storage

SampleSense FAST for Mehlich-3-ICP Soil Analysis

  • 11 Elements determined: B, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, S, P, Zn
  • ICP read triggered from dual sensor optical sample detection
  • 360 samples analyzed in <35 minutes
  • <10s per sample-to-sample time
  • <2 mL of sample consumed (vacuum control)
  • Automatic detection of empty or missing sample tubes
  • Most reliable high-throughput system on the market

Start Sample Load / Rinse Nebulizer

Start Sample Load / Rinse Nebulizer

Sample Load Complete / Rinse Nebulizer

Sample Load Complete / Rinse Nebulizer

Rinse Probe / Inject Sample

Rinse Probe / Inject Sample

SampleSense Soil Analytical Cycle

SampleSense Soil Analytical Cycle

SampleSense Soil Rinse-out

The SampleSense Soil rinse-out immediately reduces all elements to concentrations well below the bottom standard when using the six second Mehlich-3-ICP procedure. Additional seconds can be added to the rinse-out to meet lab requirements.

The system can deliver rinse-out factors of 1,000x, 10,000x or more depending on how clear the spray chamber needs to be before the next sample is introduced.

SampleSense Soil Rinse-out

Contact us for information on SampleSense Soil!

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