prepFAST M5 Model
The prepFAST M5 for ICP and ICPMS is a fully integrated autodilution and autocalibration system that improves precision and detection limits while significantly increasing sample throughput.
Automated Sample Preparation System with Syringe Sample Loading
The prepFAST M5 has an additional syringe for sample loading allowing for precise and accurate loading of micro volume and/or viscous samples. The 5th syringe also provide additional features such as premixing samples and enhanced washout for lower blanks. Combined with the autocalibration, inline sample dilution and automatic overange dilution the capabilities of prepFAST, the prepFAST M5 is an advanced laboratory automation system.
The precise (<±0.05%) and accurate (<±0.2%) S500V2 syringe pump provides smooth and balanced delivery of solutions over a wide range of flow rates (1 to 40,000 μL/min) to ensure rapid reliable inline dilutions.