Online Monitoring for ppt-level Metals, Nanoparticles and Organic Contaminants
Real-time monitoring of semiconductor process chemicals and ultrapure water at fab-wide scale.
Online Metals Monitoring: Automated online 24/7 tools for ultrapure semiconductor chemical analysis. Scout detects ultra-low levels of metallic and particulate contaminants in all chemicals.
VPD-ICPMS: High-throughput, completely automated production tool for online monitoring of metal contamination on semiconductor wafers with ultra-low detection limits. The Radian’s single process station design, ultrafast scanner, and fully integrated ICPMS make it the fastest, most automated VPD-ICPMS in the world.
Organic Contaminant Monitoring: Fully automated systems for real-time monitoring of organic impurities in semiconductor chemicals. These systems automatically detect and identifies contaminants, quantifies and charts each contaminant, and sends a SECS-GEM alert for near real-time monitoring.

Most Automated Vapor Phase Decomposition System
- Radian 3 VPD-ICPMS – Compact high productivity with all-in-one process module
- Radian 7 VPD-ICPMS – Highest productivity with dual all-in-one process modules
- Innovative radial fast-scanning nozzle – scans wafer surface in 60 seconds or less
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Monitoring of Organic Contaminants
- Up to 40 Sample Points
- Rapidly transfers discrete samples up to 300 m to a Central Unit
- Detects organic contaminations & impurities in facility chemicals, environmental effluents, chemical baths and other liquid samples
- Simultaneously monitors the full range of semiconductor chemicals
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Total Organic Carbon Online Monitoring
- Quantitative analysis of total organic carbon in UPW and waste water
- TOC range <0.2 to 1000 ppm C
- A single central analyzer monitors:
- Up to 40 sampling points
- Up to 300 m in any direction
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