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PC3 – Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers

PC3X with glass cyclonic spray chamber

The PC3 compact Peltier heated and cooled sample inlet system stabilizes the spray chamber for enhanced stability and improved sample washout for ICP and ICPMS.

PC3X & PCH Highlights

  • Peltier heated and cooled inlet system provides thermal stabilization for improved short and long-term precision
  • Heated or cooled spray chamber walls reduce solvent loading on the plasma
  • O-ring free glass, quartz, or PFA cyclonic spray chambers provide faster analyte washout

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PC3X Highlights

  • Compact Peltier heated and cooled inlet system for ESI cyclonic spray chambers
  • Thermal stabilization of spray chamber improves long-term stability
  • O-ring free cyclonic spray chamber (in glass, quartz, or PFA) provides significantly improved washout over standard chambers
  • Air-cooled operation eliminates water line connections
  • Software temperature control of ±0.1°C from -10°C to +80°C
  • Versions available for most all ICP & ICPMS systems
  • SSI hybrid dual cyclonic/Scott spray chamber option provides enhanced stability for isotope ratio measurements without compromising sensitivity
PC3X with quartz cyclonic spray chamber

PC3X with quartz cyclonic spray chamber

PC3X with SSI spray chamber

PC3X with SSI spray chamber

PC3-LT Highlights

  • Peltier cooled inlet system equipped with ESI cyclonic spray chamber for lower temperatures required for introducing volatile organic solvents
  • Thermal stabilization of spray chamber improves long-term stability with -20°C for organic solvents and +2°C for aqueous analysis
  • O-ring free cyclonic spray chamber (in glass, quartz, or PFA) provides significantly improved washout over standard chambers
  • Air-cooled operation eliminates water line connections
  • Versions available for most all ICP & ICPMS systems
PC<sup>3</sup>-LT for volatile solvents

PC3-LT for volatile solvents

PCH Highlights

  • Peltier cooled inlet system for the ESI high-performance PFA spray chamber
  • Thermal stabilization of spray chamber improves long-term stability
  • O-ring free PFA Scott-style spray chamber provides HF-resistance with enhanced stability and sensitivity
  • Two PCH models are available for the following ICPMS systems:
    • Peltier cooler/heater for PerkinElmer™ NexION™ 1000/2000/5000, range -10°C to +80°C
    • Peltier cooler for Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ Q/RQ/TQ, range -10°C to +20°C
PCH for PerkinElmer NexION 1000/2000/5000 ICPMS

PCH for PerkinElmer NexION 1000/2000/5000 ICPMS

PCH for Thermo Scientific iCAP Q/RQ/TQ ICPMS

PCH for Thermo Scientific iCAP Q/RQ/TQ ICPMS

Contact us for information on our PC3 Systems!

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