prepFAST – Autocalibration
Automates Inline Preparation of ICP/ICPMS Calibration Standards.
- Save time and improve laboratory efficiency by eliminating labor-intensive standard preparation
- Prepare from single stock standard or multiple stock standards
- Improve calibration linearity and reduce risk of contamination
- Reduce laboratory waste and cleaning of labware

Autocalibration improves laboratory efficiency by eliminating the need for labor-intensive and error prone standard preparation. It reduces laboratory waste by reducing calibration vial, reagent, and standard waste. prepFAST autocalibration is particularly important for low concentration standards near the detection limit.

Every prepFAST model can create multipoint calibration curves from a single stock standard. Highly linear and consistent ICP/ICPMS calibration curves are generated automatically. If necessary, multiple standards can be used for large concentrations ranges or when standard matrices are incompatible.
prepFAST Autocalibration
Inline Prep from 1 Blank + 1 Standard

Autocalibration of Co from a 50ppb stock standard