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Elemental Scientific - Innovative Leaders in Semiconductor Online Monitoring, Laboratory Automation, Laser Ablation, Glassware & Nebulization

Autodilution & Autocalibration Systems

You Make One Standard – prepFAST Makes the Rest

Automates inline preparation of ICP/ICPMS calibration standards.

prepFAST X Autocalibration

  • Save time and improve laboratory efficiency by eliminating labor-intensive standard preparation
  • Prepare from single or multiple stock standards
  • Improve calibration linearity and reduce risk of contamination
  • Reduce laboratory waste and cleaning of labware
prepFAST X Closeup

Autocalibration improves laboratory efficiency by eliminating the need for labor-intensive and error prone standard preparation. It reduces laboratory waste by reducing calibration vial, reagent, and standard waste. prepFAST X autocalibration is particularly important for low concentration standards near the detection limit.

Manual Calibration vs Autocalibration

Every prepFAST X model can create multipoint calibration curves from a single stock standard. Highly linear and consistent ICP/ICPMS calibration curves are generated automatically. If necessary, multiple stock standards can be used for large concentrations ranges or when standard matrices are incompatible.

prepFAST X Autocalibration

Inline Prep from 1 Blank + 1 Standard

prep<em>FAST</em> Autocalibration

Autocalibration of Co from a 50ppb stock standard

You make one standard – prepFAST X makes the rest

Contact us for information on our prepFAST X Autocalibration System!

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